We have compiled a library of educational guides designed to inform you about a range of key electrical safety testing and power supply topics. Don’t find the topic you were looking for? Simply email us at applications@ikonixusa.com.

Guide To Electrical Safety Testing
Gain an understanding of how valuable electrical safety testing is for the integrity of your product.
Applicable Series: Hypot, HypotULTRA, OMNIA II, HYAMP, HypotMAX, LINECHEK II, Multiplexers, MedTEST
Safe Workstation Best Practices
Learn how to set up a safe workstation - one of the best ways to prevent injury to your employees.
Applicable Series: Hypot, HypotULTRA, OMNIA II, HYAMP, HypotMAX, LINECHEK II, Multiplexers, MedTEST
MedTEST Application Note
Learn how to test medical devices per IEC/UL 60601-1, 3rd Edition using the Associated Research MedTEST System.
Applicable Series: MedTEST
Two Power Supplies – No Problem!
Power Supply Manufacturers: Learn how to increase throughput and shave hours off production time by optimizing your test routine.
Applicable Series: HypotULTRA
Using the SC6540 Modular Scanning Matrix A Reference Guide
Using an Associated Research SC6540 Modular Scanning Matrix can help simplify your safety testing routine and allow you to test more efficiently.
Applicable Series: Multiplexers
Performing Low Voltage Continuity Tests with High Voltage Hipot Tests
Discover the test applications that require a point-to-point Continuity test to be performed along with the Hipot test.
Applicable Series: HypotULTRA, OMNIA II
Operator Safety Circuits: SmartGFI® vs. Conventional GFI
Learn about conventional household GFI technology made smart and how it’s implemented in electrical safety test instruments.
Applicable Series: Hypot, HypotULTRA, OMNIA II, HypotMAX, MedTEST
Production Line Ground Bond Testing with the OMNIA II
Improve throughput by using the Ground Bond test capability of the OMNIA II for production testing.
Applicable Series: OMNIA II
Exploring the Necessity of the Hot Hipot Test
Why is a “hot hipot” test required and how can Associated Research test instruments make it simple to perform?
Applicable Series: Hypot, HypotULTRA, OMNIA II
Electrical Safety Tester Verification
Test instrument verification is now being called out by safety agencies such as UL.
Applicable Series: TVB-2
The Use of an Isolation Transformer
Learn why an isolation transformer is important to perform certain electrical safety tests.
Applicable Series: HypotULTRA, OMNIA II, MedTEST
Automating Leakage and Functional Testing
Learn how to reduce test time and operator error by automating Leakage Current and Functional Run testing.
Applicable Series: OMNIA II, LINECHEK II
The Truth About Arc Detection
Gain clarity on the issues regarding arc detection and improve your understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of this technology.
Applicable Series: OMNIA II
Understanding the new Barcode I/P Feature and “Add Bar” File Parameter
This app note will cover the new functionality of the Barcode I/P feature found in the Hardware Menu, as well as the “Add Bar” test file parameter.
Applicable Series: HypotULTRA
DUT Output Return Relay
This application note will explain the concept of reinforced hipot testing, the significance of using Return Relay Option, and its benefits in ensuring the safety and reliability of medical electrical equipment.
Applicable Series: OMNIA II
WithStand Getting Started
Learn how to connect your Ikonix tester for the first time with your WithStand Cloud or Desk Application.
Applicable Series: Hypot, HypotULTRA, OMNIA II, HypotMAX, HYAMP, LINECHEK 620L, SC6540 Multiplexers, SCI 290 Series, 260 Series and 440 Series
Guide To Electrical Safety Testing
Safety Starts Here. Our safety testing guide is the definitive resource for test operators, engineers and managers looking to learn more about electrical safety testing.
Safe Workstation
Setting up a safe workstation is one of the best ways to protect your test operators from the dangers of electric shock.
Ultimate Guide to Electrical Safety Testing
Clear up any misunderstood aspects of electrical safety testing and compliance with our ultimate guide to electrical safety testing.
A Quick Look at OSHA Requirements for a Safe Workstation
We’ve outlined some of the most important workstation safety requirements outlined by OSHA Standards.
Benefits of PLC Control
Electrical safety testing on a heavy production line can be very time consuming, costly and could give rise to safety hazards. Basic automation can help reduce test time, cost and safety concerns.
SCI Testers and Remote Communication: Using HyperTerminal
The HyperTerminal program is a simple means to communicate directly with a SCI tester using a PC. We'll walk you through setting it up.
Are You Making the Most Out of Your Electrical Safety Tester? Benefits of Simple Relay Control.
Don't be burdened by handheld probes. Even the most basic electrical safety testers provide test operators with other more efficient ways to test.
Protect Your Tester from Line Voltage
Line voltage can damage Hipot testers which can result in high repair costs and production downtime. This App Note provides important information for all users of SCI Hipot testers.
500 VA Testing with the SCI 298
Why is a 500 VA tester required for Hipot testing? This paper covers Standard and application examples of 500 VA testing as well as a section on capacitive loads and line vs. load regulation.
Ground Bond or Ground Continuity Testing?
The Ground Bond (or High Continuity) test provides a complete verification of the ground circuit, while there are some shortcomings of the Ground Continuity test.
Ultimate Guide to Manufactured Homes
Electrical Safety testing of Modular Homes is a complex business, but we’ve set out to help you simplify this application with our Ultimate Guide to Manufactured Home Testing.
Using AC Sources for Compliance Testing
Read how using an AC Power Source will help you meet compliance testing standards.
Applicable models: 5005, 6005, 7000, 300XAC, 8500, LS, VariPLUS,
Two Major Advantages that Simplify Functional Testing: Meet the 400XAC
This application note will cover the advantages the 400XAC series and how this series provides multiple functional testing capabilities and simplifies testing.
Applicable model: 400XAC
How to Get More out of an AC Power Source: Using Over Current Foldback Technology to Deal with High Inrush Current
Learn what Over Current Foldback is and how Power Sources will help with dealing with High Inrush Current.
Applicable model: 300XAC
To Float or Not Float? Analysis of a Floating vs. Grounded Output
Gain a better understanding of low and high reference points of voltage and the importance of grounding electrical circuits.
Applicable model: 6020
Total Harmonic Distortion and Effects in Electrical Power Systems
Learn what total harmonic distortion is and the effects it has on electrical equipment.
Applicable models: 300XAC, 6000, 5000, LS, VariPLUS
Power Factor vs. Crest Factor
Read about the two critical qualities and the different ways they impact the capability of working with AC Power Sources.
Applicable model: 6020
Power Factor Correction
In this application note you’ll learn what power factor correction is and how to reduce harmonic distortion and increase efficiency with power factor correction.
Applicable models: 8500, 400XAC
True Power vs. Apparent Power
Understand the difference between true power and apparent power as we break down the various aspects of what power is.
Applicable model: 6010
Understanding the Difference between Resolution and Accuracy Description
Read how AC Power Sources use their own sensing tools to measure information and distinguish the difference between resolution and accuracy.
Applicable models: 8500, 400XAC
LabVIEW Coding Guide
View our LabVIEW coding guide as it shows an example of how to set some basic parameters on a Power Source.
Applicable models: 8500, 400XAC
EEC 85xx Power Supply Connection
This application note provides essential guidelines for proper connection of the 8500 series power supply to ensure safe and reliable operation. Adhering to these recommendations will help prevent damage to both power supply and connected devices.
Applicable models: All 8500 series
Understanding EEC 85XX Configurations and Functional Mode Options
This application note details EEC 8500 series power source output mode capabilities for Manual, Standard, and Advanced modes.
Applicable models: All EEC 8500 series